Kemi Ilesanmi - February 2024
Kemi Ilesanmi. Photo by Kerry Constantino.
Kemi Ilesanmi has been a DMV worker, retail clerk, receptionist, business school dropout, museum curator, foundation officer, and nonprofit administrator. From 2012-2022, she served as executive director for The Laundromat Project (The LP), a community-based arts organization. Prior to that, Kemi worked at the Walker Art Center and Creative Capital Foundation in curatorial and programming roles, respectively. From 2015-2022, she served on New York City's Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission, including one term as Chair. She serves on the boards of the Brooklyn Museum of Art and Joan Mitchell Foundation. Brooklyn Magazine named her one of the borough's 50 most fascinating people in 2022, and Observer included her on the Arts Power 50 list in 2020. She has been honored by the Metropolitan Museum and Project for Empty Space. She is a graduate of Smith College, NYU, and Coro Leadership NY. Her ongoing commitment to holistic cultural and community care is deeply informed by her Nigerian and Black American roots.
Visit Kemi Ilesanmi’s website here.